Container transportation
operator of the
Republic of Kazakhstan

Olzhas Shilterkhanov

General Director

Appointed to the position of General Director of RTS Cargo LLP in June 2022.

2021-2022 — Managing Director of PTC Holding LLP.

2020 – 2021 – Regional representative of FAR EAST LAND BRIDGE Ltd (FELB) in Central Asia.

2012-2020 — Deputy Head of the Representative Office in China, Head of the Representative Office in China, Head of the Representative Office in the Republic of Belarus of JSC “Kedentransservice”.

Graduated from Abylai Khan Kazakh State University of International Relations and World Languages with a degree in Linguistics – Chinese (Japanese).

Completed additional one-year intensive Chinese language courses at BEIJING JIAOTONG UNIVERSITY (Beijing Transport University).

He received a master’s degree in Transport Economics from BEIJING JIATONG UNIVERSITY (Beijing Transport University).

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