Container transportation
operator of the
Republic of Kazakhstan

Nikita Zhukov

Chief Operating Officer

Appointed to the position of Operations Director at RTS Cargo LLP in September 2023.

February 2023 – August 2023 – Head of the Sales Department of domestic transportation, TRANSSINERGY LLC, Moscow

April 2017 – February 2023 – Head of the Sales Department with the participation of the Asia-Pacific countries for land crossings of PJSC TRANSCONTAINER, Moscow, Head of the Sales Department of Transport Services (Irkutsk), Specialist of the Sales and Customer Service Department with the participation of Central Asian countries (Moscow).

2012 – 2017 – Received a higher specialized education at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT) in the specialty “Management of transportation processes, cargo and commercial work”.

Passed the advanced training course “Translator in the field of professional communication. English” at the Russian University of Transport (MIIT)

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